Wayanad Neithgramam, the one and only weaving village in Wayanad, administered by The Wayanad Hand Loom, Power Loom and Multipurpose Indl. Co-operative Society (WHIPCOS), has been successful in extracting the elegant tradition of weavers in Wayanad and placing it into quality clothing products, in a short span and has emerged as a key player in the textile and clothing industry. WHIPCOS has redefined the cooperative movements with the introduction of Wayanad Neithgramam and its quality brands, which can be matched with international clothing standards.
The village was inaugurated on 1999 by the then minister of industries Ms.Suseela Gopalan and was established with the objective to provide employment and shelter to the scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribes and especially unwed mothers among them.
The Wayanad Hand Loom, Power Loom and Multipurpose Indl. Co-operative Society Ltd (WHIPCO) registered on 13.01.1999 under Kerala state co-operative textile federation (TEXFED). At present, the facility provides livelihood for 72 individuals including 52 women of backward community.
Since its inception on 17.05.1999, WHIPCO had successfully evolved as a sustainable enterprise, always cautious about the enhancement of its employees and determined to accomplish its goals.