Wayanad Neithgramam, the one and only weaving village in Wayanad, administered by The Wayanad Hand Loom, Power Loom and Multipurpose Indl. Co-operative Society (WHIPCOS), has been successful in extracting the elegant tradition of weavers in Wayanad and placing it into quality clothing products, in a short span and has emerged as a key player in the textile and clothing industry. WHIPCOS has redefined the cooperative movements with the introduction of Wayanad Neithgramam and its quality brands, which can be matched with international clothing standards.

The village was inaugurated on 1999 by the then minister of industries Ms.Suseela Gopalan and was established with the objective to provide employment and shelter to the scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribes and especially unwed mothers among them.

The Wayanad Hand Loom, Power Loom and Multipurpose Indl. Co-operative Society Ltd (WHIPCO) registered on 13.01.1999 under Kerala state co-operative textile federation (TEXFED). At present, the facility provides livelihood for 72 individuals including 52 women of backward community.

Since its inception on 17.05.1999, WHIPCO had successfully evolved as a sustainable enterprise, always cautious about the enhancement of its employees and determined to accomplish its goals.

Chairman's Message

I am filled with immense pleasure and pride when I behold The wayanad handloom powerlooom & multipurpose indl.co operative society Group as a premier and reputed organization. We have successfully integrated a vertical business model ranging from yarns to fabrics. At the same time, we have adapted various activities like providing employment to backward people especially unwed mothers and tribes and have continuously innovated through a common vision of excellence and professionalism. The group has carved its name in the core business of textiles while standing on firm beliefs, values and quality standards.

We are highly ethical in our practices and are highly motivated to meet our commitments and targets. We constantly strive to add value to our customer’s business by providing them with superior quality products at competitive prices. Quality is the cornerstone of our success; Innovation in our products is a non-negotiable priority for us.

We are also committed towards imbibing social values in our employees. We believe that our success is directly related to the growth of the society. In the end, I must acknowledge and appreciate the continuous and untiring efforts of the Society members and our customers for their never-ending support in shaping the performance of the company and enabling the group to reach its present position. I believe that their continuous endeavors will assist the organization to achieve new heights every day.

- P J Antony

Board of Directors







Thirunelli Kaithari

  • Kasavu Dhothi
  • Double Dhothi
  • Handloom Shirting
  • Handloom Saree

Thrissilery Cotton

  • Single stripe Dhothi
  • Colour Dhothi
  • Cotton Shirting
  • Churithar Material


  • Gents Shirt
  • Lady's shirt
  • Gents Kurti
  • Lady's kurti


  • Cotton Bed Sheets
  • Cotton Blankets
  • Cotton Back Packs
  • Floor Mats


  • Wayanad Handloom Powerloom Multipurpose industrial Co-Operative Society Ltd. No. SIND(W) 66
  • Thrissilery,Mananthavady
  • Wayanad
  •   04935 250308,8075302496
  •   whipcos@gmail.com